5 Tech Questions Asked by You

Questions Members of the Audience Needed Answering

Steve Smith responds to 5 questions from the community about secure boot, damaged CPUs, thermal grease, PCIe lanes, GPUs and graphics cards.

Episode #7-47 released on July 22, 2017

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I've being doing videos on Technology questions for years, and some questions I get have some of the most obvious answers, and some are not so obvious answers, as well. Here are just some of the questions I've gotten in the comments of my show.

Dypeh asked if they disable secure boot, what will happen? Well, for many operating systems, nothing will happen, in fact, secure boot is meant to prevent pre-OS operation of applications, it is meant as a secure measure against malware and viruses. Disabling it only makes the environment less secure.

Akram-plays asked what if your CPU already failed, would you have to change it, is it safe to use, or will it mess up your performance? Think of a CPU as an engine block, there is a certain amount of failure that can be sustained before your engine will seize. It is probably a good idea for the CPU to be changed, as the performance you once had is no longer attainable. Overclocking itself, in this case, is also not advisable.

Tommy Norwood asked is thermal grease any good for a CPU? The answer is yes, it is relatively the same thing as thermal paste. What someone should be paying attention to is things like not electrically conductive, and that the product is both think and smooth. Applying the proper amount is, also, an important thing to pay attention to.

Easy Skater asked so the difference between 40 PCIe lanes and 28 is that if using a 2-way GPU card setup, the second one only operates at with 8 PCIe lanes? The answer is yes, and to go one step further consumer processors only have 16 lanes for the most part, essentially limiting both graphics cards to 8 PCIE lanes each. For the most part, this will not affect either graphics card, and have virtually little impact on performance, for the moment.

Tech4Lyfe-Tech n' Games asked do I need a graphics card if my motherboard has built in graphics cards? The answer is, it depends. As a rule, I suggest that everyone read the minimum specifications of all applications and games they intend to play. I, also, recommend that you consider trying your games without a graphics card, and with a dedicated graphics card. Chances are, using a dedicated graphics card will greatly improve your own experience of the game, but the answer tends to lean heavily on your own preferences.

Host : Steve Smith | Music : | Editor : Steve Smith | Producer : Zed Axis Dot Net