Welcome to Ubuntu 12.10

Learn about 5 new features available in the latest version of Ubuntu.

Steve Smith shows off the new Ubuntu 12.10 operating system.

Episode #3-07 released on October 28, 2012

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Linux, once considered an operating system for nerds, has much more to offer to the average user, more than ever before. Most popular versions of Linux are compatible with virtually all the hardware you own, and if something isn't working, there is a very strong community of Linux users, developers, etc... ready to help you. Podcasters like myself, Nixie Pixel, and many, many more, showing you the ins and outs of the operating system. Ask your question, and you shall be answered. For reasons for ease of use and compatibility I chose Ubuntu as my platform of everyday use, with regards to Linux. I use Windows because I am a gamer, and edit video, use iTunes, etc... But given the choice, I'd be using Linux, more specifically, Ubuntu.

Now, the new Ubuntu 12.10, codenamed Quantal Quetzal, offers many new and returning features that I'd like for you all to become familiar with, because it offers options that current platforms like Apple's OSX and Microsoft doesn't have or does poorly.

Let's talk about previewing your content, we all want to see what is in our folders, well Ubuntu 12.10 now makes it possible, you simply need to right click., within the Dash accessible in the Unity menus. You can preview applications installed, or yet to be installed in your computer, and much more.

You now have the ability to use the Dash search to do an online search of your online accounts, notably your Ubuntu One Cloud account, Flickr, Google Drive, etc... This means you aren't limited to leaving your documents, photos, music, or movies on your hard drive, you can store them in the cloud and have easy access to them, unlike other popular platforms that make this incredibly difficult to achieve.

Web applications have also been introduced in the new Ubuntu 12.10 environment. A feature incorporated into Firefox within the Ubuntu 12.10, it allows for you to pin various of your favorite web-sites to the Unity toolbar, for easy and quick access without having to start the web browser first. In order to use the web applications feature, you must lock them to the launcher, otherwise they disappear upon closure of Firefox.

Other additions include Ubuntu One Music, and Amazon being directly launch-able from the Unity toolbar. You can now purchase music in Ubuntu, easily, and currently get 6 months free of streaming for buying a minimum of one song. Getting syncing for free, and 5GB of storage absolutely, which is by far, much better and less expensive than Apple's iTunes Music Match service. There doesn't seem to be an option for video, but less we forget, one step at a time. The fact we can now use a built in music service for our music needs is rare in almost all operating systems of any kind. Applications for Windows and Macintosh are also ready to download to take advantage of Ubuntu One Music.

As for Amazon, the fact that a quick link is ready for our use makes it easier for all of us to get movies, music, toys, hardware, software, etc... Most of us have already been on Amazon before, and many of us buy from Amazon, at least once in a while. Much of the hardware used in my podcast is purchased through Amazon, as I believe them to be safer place to shop, than eBay.

And these, are just a few of the new features available in the new Ubuntu 12.10, more episodes on functionality, terminal tasks, and much more coming soon.

Now, my question to all of you, what do you want to learn about in Linux, other features, platforms, etc... Just ask me at ask@tqaweekly.com. Ask me anything about Linux, and its features, and your question may be included in our future episodes of TQA Weekly.

Next week, we talk about Universal Plug and Play, also known as UPNP. The good sides, the bad sides, and the ugly truth about this feature in routers.

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Host : Steve Smith | Music : Jonny Lee Hart | Editor : Steve Smith | Producer : Zed Axis Productions

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