Hey PCMR! Hardware Engineers Got Your Back!

Graphics Cards and CPU Temperature Safe Limits

I discuss the worries of PCMR, safe thermal limits and how engineers got all of us covered.

Episode #10-30 released on March 8, 2020

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Your Processor and Graphics Card come shipped, usually, with air cooling, included or already pre-installed. You are told that proper thermal paste usage is important, and it is. You are told to keep the heatsinks and fans clean, and that, too, is important. The question is, how hot is too hot? Because too many people are worried about supposedly high temperatures.

Where did this all come from? We cannot be sure, but regardless, it has been demonstrated over and over that computers do not immediately die from a lack of air flow, bad thermal paste usage or even clogged fans and heatsinks. Everything in the majority of computers continue to function despite the user not continuously cleaning the computer.

Then, there is the fact that rarely are computers completely alike, with the exception of mass-produced machines by the likes of Dell, Apple, etc. And, even then, there are differences in configurations from client to client, that make the ever-infinite possibilities of computer configurations possible. Infinite possibilities mean unpredictable behavior by software and hardware. This is part of the reason why doing tests on a single computer is meaningless.

The last part is the safe thermal threshold for processors, graphics cards, etc. What do you think is a safe temperature? Many would say 40C, 60C, etc. But the second the temperature hits 80C, many people freak out. Sure, the temperature would be fatal for a human, but for a graphics card, it is still way within the accepted safety limits tested by the hardware engineers. To be very frank, the temperature of a processor or graphics card, in many cases, could go into the high 90s and still be alright.

Do you know what happens when you finally hit the maximum temperature considered safe for the processor, graphics card, etc.? The hardware thermal throttles protecting itself. This means, that provided you never tamper with the thermal sensors, cooling or fans in any way that would prevent them from functioning correctly, your hardware, will always be operating within safe operating temperatures.

After all, not all game engines and applications are created equal, and very few computers are completely identical, but all hardware is designed to take care of itself, just in case, you don't take care of it. So, go forth, game, get those high frames, and push your computers, because unlike people, they will always operate as intended.

Host : Steve Smith | Music : | Editor : Steve Smith | Producer : Zed Axis Dot Net

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